雙面情敵 第十一章 對決 PART 9. 諜對賊雙面情敵 第十一章 對決 PART 9. 諜對賊 和Brain一起窩在防彈車裡的Young右手被綁在車門上, 兩眼則注視著專心開車的Brain…Brain: Stop staring at me! (別再瞪著我了)Young: Where can you go? You got no way out! (你已經沒有出路了) Brain: It’s all thank to you! Why did DK send you 酒店工作here? I thought you are just a boy with good looking face, ha-ha,(冷笑著, 全都是你的功勞, 不知道DK幹嘛送你來, 我還以為你只是個長的好看的菜鳥而已) Young: Why did you help him? Are you two partners? Where is he now?(你為什麼幫DK? 你們是合夥人, 他現在人在那裡) Brain: We worked together for years, it was just a 酒店打工piece of cake, those videos, I did it just for fun…(我們合作多年了, 這些錄影帶什麼的, 小事一件, 只是好玩而已) Young: For fun? (Young的心理很”X”, 手握拳頭..) (你只是為了好玩?) Brain: Why not? He likes that girl, and asked me a small favor, that’s all. It just didn’t work out.(沒什麼大不了的, 他喜歡那個女的酒店兼職, 要我幫個小忙而已, 不過沒成功就是了) Young: Listen! I don’t want to die young… I have a boat, let’s make a deal? (我還不想這麼早死, 我有條船, 跟你打個交道好了) Brain: What deal? Boat? Are you serious?(是什麼? 船? 你說真的嗎?) Young: Sure, you know my role, local police will try to rescue me..(當然, 你知道我澎湖民宿的身份, 這兒的警察會來救我的) Young在想什麼? 船? 不是要載Rain 跟Alex走麼? ….不知這兩個人是各懷鬼胎還是互讓一步…Brain: OK, where is your boat? How do I know it is safe and tank is full, I trust no one!船呢? 我怎麼知道船是安全的油箱是滿的, 我誰也不信 Young: I get on board with you我跟你一起上船 Brain: Then 燒烤what?然後呢? Young: Drop me off at any duck near by, only one condition, I need to stop-by Endless Pub for a while.把我隨便放在下一個碼頭, 不過有個條件, 我必需到酒吧停留一下 Brain: To meet Rain?跟Rain碰面? Young: Yes, say good-bye…I owe her too much.是, 說聲再見, 我欠她太多 Brain: Yes, you surely do, I need 烤肉食材guarantee, standing in the center, both you and Rain, let me able to see both of you, how much time do you need?你是欠她很多, 我需要一些保障, 你跟她只能站在酒館中央, 讓我能看的到的地方, 你要多少時間? Young: 15 minutes15分鐘 Brain: too much.太多了 Young: Then forget it, 那就算了 Brain: ok, ok, you got it. By 燒烤the way, could you be my messenger?好吧! 好吧! 就15分, 順便幫我帶個話吧 Young: sure Brain: Tell her I’m sorry… I never meant to harm her feeling..跟她說, 我很抱歉, 從來就不想傷她感情 Young: I don’t know you got feeling…我不知道你還有感情啊Brain: Don’t go too far, here we are, 15 minutes, this is my last 宿霧piece (棋子, grandes 其實是一個手榴彈, 是Brain最後的武器) enough to blow this place off…不要太過份 (也是”不要走太遠”) 就15分鐘, 這是我最後的一顆棋子, 足夠炸掉整間酒館 Young: see you in 15 minutes, don’t go too far too!好, 15分鐘見, 你也不要走太遠 (不要太過份) Young離開了車子, 趕緊打開手機, 一開就看到夏天的上巴里島百通未接電話, 和留言, Young牙根一咬, 這個時候怎麼能回電話…明知夏天心理有多急…Young撥了通電話…一邊, 快步的進入酒館搜尋Rain跟Alex的身影… 臨了, Young到底撥給誰電話? 這最後的一面, Young要跟Rain說些什麼? 

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